Power and versatility that rule the sky

Legend, meet elegance

Handcrafted to the highest standards, iconic King Air® turboprops deliver remarkable power, comfort and versatility. Your first-class flying experience is enhanced by a premium, spacious cabin and exceptional performance. Driven by design and innovation, the King Air® family of turboprops rules the sky.

King Air 260

Maximum Range: 1,720 nm
Maximum Occupants: 9

King Air 360

Maximum Range: 1,806 nm
Maximum Occupants: 11

King Air 360ER

Maximum Range: 2,539 nm
Maximum Occupants: 15
quote icon
"The King Air brand is a name that means a lot to us. You know, quality, safety, all these things are important. It is your culture. When I see the King Air, I see a progress of something that's gotten better over the whole course of its life. I mean it's sleek, sharp.
It's got a lot a power." David Griffin Jr, president of D.H. Griffin

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