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King Air F90 Evolves into modern age with complete restoration

Having the chance to own a piece of aviation history, Shawn and David Edgington purchased a 1982 Beechcraft® King Air® 90 series. Having previously owned a similar aircraft in the past, the pair took on the challenge of a complete interior refresh, aiming to bring the Beechcraft 50th anniversary edition aircraft into modern times. With the help of Textron Aviation, they were able to see their dream become reality.

“We did everything from interior to instruments to the exterior,” explained Shawn when asked about what work had been done to evolve the aircraft. David equally shared in excitement about the upgrades saying, “We took off every single panel piece over every circuit breaker, had it re-laid. We changed the props to five-bladed props, we replaced all the avionics, and the Garmin system that's designed in the aircraft is made to make your workload much more comfortable.”

The pair explained how the opportunity to work with Textron Aviation for this restoration effort was the best choice for them.

“Textron Aviation has been outstanding. they feel like they had the team, the expertise, especially with King Air, and it seems like their talent is at the top,” said Shawn.

“When we walked in today, I had the most incredible experience because I'm looking at it going, "This is better than getting delivered a brand new airplane." I'm looking at this going, "Okay, I know this is a 1982 aircraft in my brain because I purchased it, but I'm going, "This does not look like the airplane "that we started out with," and I was so happy with what the team did,” David stated.

The pair plan to utilize the Beechcraft® King Air® for travel to fit their business ventures and family trips. Shawn, having a business in workers’ compensation insurance, can visit her teams located in different parts of the United States.

“It is easy to jump in and go, and it is comfortable so I can still work and get things done,” she mentioned.

Recalling their feelings throughout the process, the duo says Textron Aviation, having the OEM expertise and commitment to the effort, transformed the aircraft.

“Each person that I've met along the way, they invested an incredible amount of time and energy and their skillset because they knew we were in love with it and they fell in love with it, which was really neat. Textron Aviation is where it has to go,” noted David.

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