#WithMy Cessna

If you feel a calling to indulge whims, change plans or have no plans at all, you've landed in the right place. Welcome to a community of adventure seekers and horizon chasers.

Stories to explore

Our #WithMyCessna community has an insatiable thirst for lifestyle experiences and seek adventures wherever they desire. Explore the pins on this map to see where other Cessna® piston aircraft owners have been and the adventures they’ve had.

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The next best part about living the adventure is sharing it. See what other Cessna® owners have done and get inspired for your next trip. Be sure to follow and tag us on social media and show us what you've done #withmycessna.

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Ready to experience a Cessna® aircraft? Drop us a line or a note and we'll help you begin your journey.

1.844.44.TXTAV or 1.316.517.8270